My feet are always aching. Our floors are wood and slate and the hard surfaces do a number on my feet. This is why I always wear slippers. When the wonderful pair of slippers I had needed replacing I naturally turned to the interweb and googled "slipper giveaways" and entered some blog giveaways. A couple weeks later my prize arrived: slippers!
Well, sandal slippers. They were decent but then it got cold and I needed a new pair. Luckily I found a pair under my desk at work. I had them stashed away from when I was pregnant and needed a respite from my heels. I brought them home and wore them for a good month before the sole and the shoe separated. After fixing it with various glues I finally tore them apart and threw them in the garbage. The BIG garbage... OUTSIDE... where I would not be tempted to pull them back out, glue in hand, to macguyver another fix. Flash forward two weeks and my feet are killing me. So I decided it is time to plop down $8 bucks of my hard earned online earnings to buy a pair of slippers with good reviews. This is how:
First of all I used Ebates. This allows me to get 3% back (pennies...they add up!). I then went through the Ebates site to buy these slippers from Sports Authority.
I like these white ones, but in a review a woman said hers held up for four years but got dirty so she recommends the grey (which she bought ten of! That is SUPPOSEDLY how good they are. I am starting with one pair.
The shipping is free and the reviews are great. They are on sale for $9.99 and you automatically get 20% off right now.
Weren't there any other slippers you were able to wear in between the pairs you mentioned?
ReplyDeleteJust giant ogre sized slippers