Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A portable Christmas Tree

My son, who is 4, has been bummed that we don't have a Christmas tree up.  Our house is on the market and I an trying to keep it uncluttered.  Our Christmas tree takes up a lot of space. Also I want prospective buyers to be able to envision their own holiday in this house, and I don't know that will necessarily be Christmas.
Last week was Thanksgiving.  None of us had work or school. The following Saturday no one had work or school either. Our usual routine had been abandoned. The ogre and I have pretty opposite schedules so we weren't sure what to do with eachother.
That is when I remembered a recent Facebook post on my friend Laura's page.  I called her and she assured me I could do the whole project for five bucks. That would cost less than driving out to her house to watch the game with her husband and be twenty times more enjoyable.
I bundled Boo up and headed out to Michael's where he picked out a large piece of green felt for the tree and several small pieces for ornaments.
Once home the ogre and I cut out ornaments while the kids glued, painted and hung them to the tree (painter) taped to the wall.
Boo says we can just roll it up and out it in the trunk to bring with to a new house!
How I did this on the cheap
Laura was right! The cost came out to four dollars, and only because I let Boo pick out so many colors. I dug through our recycling and grabbed a coupon for 50% off first which saved us two bucks.
We could have Done with just the felt but I had fabric paint so we let the kids mess around with that a bit.
How to do it cheaPer
Plan ahead! Go to Artscraps and buy recycled craft supplies for cheap. Thrift stores, garage sales, craigslist and twin cities free market are also great resources. I try not to keep too many craft supplies around because of the space issue but hope to have a designated craft space in our next home.

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