Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tea party!

No, not that kind of a tea party, I mean this kind of a tea party: 
Being that I have the summer off I have found myself entertaining in the morning more than usual. I like to refer to it as 'partying' but given that those present are often providers or other professionals I suppose it is not quite the type of party you may have in mind, but SOMETIMES I NEED ALL THE ADULT CONTACT I CAN GET!! ;)

 I fill up my french press and offer coffee, but it isn't always what my 'party guests' are interested in. Other times they say yes and I can tell their sips are for courtesy. I have arranged a coffee tray with three types of coffee so that I can tailor the drink to their taste, but I feel I may have forgotten something:  

Not eveybody drinks coffee

Shocking, I know.
I needed something else to offer.

Perfect timing as I received an offer to review a six pack of Enjoying Tea's premium teas.

Look at those cute little tins!

And inside the tins are high quality tea, fresh and aromatic.
The Rooibo
If you are a newbie tea drinker, the package comes with simple instructions that really break it down for you. 

I am looking forward to my first tea drinking guest so that I start my own little (accompanied) tour through the six varieties.

I love Chai, but have never even heard of the Rooibo. Anybody down to come over and give that or the Oolong a try?


  1. Playdate soon! Emma at Grandma's this week...

  2. i like green tea

  3. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)July 1, 2015 at 12:02 PM

    My favorite tee is Darjeerling.

  4. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)July 1, 2015 at 12:08 PM

    In addition to plucking a few stray hairs, I also use tweezers for splinters, bee stings, and holding thread when trying to thread a needle.

  5. I use tweezers for fixing my glasses when the little screw comes loose.

  6. I like orange spice tea and also peppermint.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  7. Tweezers are good for grabbing tiny craft items that are hard to pick up with your fingers.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I commented on your Father's Day T-Shirt Craft post.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. I also use tweezers to help remove splinters.

  10. I use tweezers to get splinters out of our feet and hands!

  11. My favorite tea is black sweet tea

  12. I use tweezer to remove the pin bones from salmon before I smoke it.

  13. My favorite tea is green tea!!
    Thank You

    Fiona N

  14. Lol- to pull out my husbands gray hair!

  15. my go-to favorite tea is Earl Grey. Although, if it's tea, I'll probably drink it.

  16. tweezers - mostly, for pulling slivers of glass out of my feet. Cause I'm clumsy and drop glassware regularly

  17. I love jasmine tea and citrus teas ty for this chance!!!

  18. I use tweezers for crafts remove splinters nail art baking...

  19. I love orange-flavored tea!
